bathroom - vinyl wrap how hard can that be?

I took the easy option with the good shower room walls and decided to just cover them with vinyl wrap (sticky back plastic) Blue peter would have been proud. Well proud of the idea.

Two attempts later, and after getting advice from the Internet, and it's not going too well.

Dr Mark's tip: get someone more skillful and careful to do it ?


It's not easy to get clear photos in the bathroom:


Rotten timbers removed

New batons and 20mm celotex (it used to have 22mm  polystyrene.

glueing and holding 3mm PVC panel in place.

The big panel would not fit through the doorway. So it had to have a join. Half of which was in the window opening.

PVC round window, vinyl wrap on the other wall

.. complete with bubbles
That's most of the hard work done. Ceilings were also PVC.


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