Cold Start system Thermostarter

November 2020 Update
See notes further down for the latest.

The Iveco has a cold start system, or so I thought. But the pattern of flashing lights when I started was not the pre heater, but an error code. The cold start system was not connected. It is now.

Our engines don't have glow plugs. Instead there is a single preheater that heats up some diesel fuel and squirts it into the air inlet. It works below zero. The unit does so diagnostic tests and flashes the pre heat light to show the outcome. Normally the light goes on for a couple of seconds and then off. The electronic manual on posted by Hugo has an invaluable diagnostic guide.

There is a module behind the fuse box that takes the signals in and send power to the preheater. In my case the main power cable was missing. Also the crucial temperature sensor was faulty. A new one solved the problem. No error codes now.

Iveco Daily Genuine Iveco Coolant Temperature Sensor Part No.4857248 5010293265 £18 from Vexi

Does it work - maybe.
Despite doing the work in December we have had no significant sub zero weather to allow me to test it! Lets hope. It's really quite important. In the past, we had some very cold nights up in the mountains in Portugal and starting was slow and unconvincing.

For interest, other parts are:
Relay Flame Start Valve OE 98494902  
Flame heater: 99473620, 4849601, 4849601, 99450396
Electronic Control Unit ECU 12V Aftermarket 99484736 98411034

November 2020 Update.

After the engine work the lights did not come on correctly. The relay was faulty so I bought a branded new one off Ebay for £70.79
Al the lights are correct. And indeed it does work. AT -2 Celsius in the morning the light came one. stayed on for about 30 seconds and the engine started with a flick of the ignition switch. Very Pleased.

To do any work on this system its important to know the light sequence and error codes:


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