I-spy Portugal – The Results

Ferry crossing, 14 April 2013 How did we get on? 1) Sunshine: one hour/ all day / too hot / sunburnt We soon got an hour of sunshine, a full day had to wait until Sagres, but before that I got a sunburnt face at the secret beach . And the warmest time was Santander Port queuing up to go home… Ahhhh 2) Almond Blossom. No, we don’t think so. This suffered from a lack of research we did not know what it looked like or what the season was! Not much hope here. But the huge variety of fragrant wild flowers, herbs and fruit trees was glorious compensation – so we declare this a success. 3) Waves: Bigger than me/ Bigger than the Tardis Yes, bigger than me. 4) Religious Procession. Yes, on Maundy Thursday in Salamanca . 5) A vehicle that is stuck: any other one/ ours/ one we help Yes, yes and yes, sadly. We helped some Portuguese men, who had their bonnet stuck, by lending tools. We came to a stop near Aguas de Mura when t...