Windscreen washers

The windscreen wash was intermitent and the windows did not clean very well: Actions: Dismantle and clean all tubing and nozzles - some improvement in power when they did work. Better earthing direct to the chassis earth point (near headlights) as described in the manual. - no change. Found that the steering column switch was faulty. There is no obvious way to dismantle this so... Fitted a new dashboard switch - solved it, excellent New switch for washer bottom left, conveniently near the emergency front axle diff lock (also unlabeled) Continuing: 5. Cleaned windscreen thoroughly - wire wool 000 grade really does work - good. 6. Fitted new twin nozzles (as recommended on the forum) - lots of water, good 7. Bent the wiper arms to apply more pressure - a significant improvement, I should have done this first !